FAQs: Competitive and Permitting

The addition of Competitive division has led to many questions. Hopefully this will clarify but please continue to contact the office if you have any additional questions.


  1. Why were the Competitive leagues created?

The Competitive leagues were created to offer a home to the players that want to play competitively but also want to play for fun. Players can participate in both Competitive and Recreational, but they cannot play collectively in Recreational within the same Competitive league. Instead, they can play throughout the Recreational league with no more than 20% of their roster made up of Competitive or Premier players.

It was also created because many of the division 2 teams were tired of playing the more competitive teams. Without many teams joining division 1, divisions 1 and 2 were merged. By adding some new features to Competitive Division 1, we are hoping to separate the different levels of play. Entice the movement up.

The Competitive leagues are essentially division 1 and the same as we’ve done for decades - with a few enticing features. (Details below.) Otherwise, the only change is we added “Competitive” and “Recreational” to the divisions 1 and 2, respectively, and allow players to participate in both. It’s an additional opportunity to play.


  1. What is a Premier player?

Premier players are any players that played in the U Sports league (previously called CIS) in the last three (3) years or registered to a CSA National Tournament team via the Challenge Trophy or the Jubilee Cup in the last three (3) years.


  1. What features do the Competitive leagues receive for the indoor 2023-2024 season?

  • Consistent Night of Play (even for turf)!

  • Prime Time Game Times!

  • Players can participate in Competitive AND* Recreational leagues as well and permit across to the other Competitive leagues.

*Competitive players cannot make up more than 20% of a Rec team's roster.


  1. How many leagues can I join?

We host twelve (12) different leagues for the indoor season:

  1. Competitive Men’s/Women’s

  2. Competitive Coed

  3. Competitive Coed Masters*

  4. Competitive Masters* Men’s/Women’s

  5. Competitive Legends* Men’s/Women’s

  6. Recreational Men’s/Women’s (boarded)

  7. Recreational Men’s/Women’s (turf)

  8. Recreational Coed (boarded)

  9. Recreational Coed Masters* (turf)

  10. Recreational Coed Legends* (turf)

  11. Recreational Legends* Men/Women (boarded)

  12. Recreational Legends* Men/Women (turf)


We host eleven (11) different leagues for the outdoor (2023) season:

  1. Competitive Men’s/Women’s

  2. Competitive Coed

  3. Competitive Coed Masters

  4. Competitive Masters Men’s/Women’s

  5. Competitive Legends Men’s/Women’s

  6. Recreational Men’s/Women’s

  7. Recreational Coed

  8. Recreational Coed Masters*

  9. Recreational Coed Legends

  10. Recreational Masters* Men/Women

  11. Recreational Legends* Men/Women

* Players must be age eligible for the Masters and Legends. Special circumstances may apply. See Special Circumstances under the Team Alignment & League Divisions section of our rules.


  1. Can I play in Competitive Women’s and Recreational Women’s?

Competitive Women players cannot play together as a team in Recreational. However, as an individual and up to 20% of a Recreational roster can be Competitive Women / Premier players.

In short, yes, but to a maximum of 20% of Competitive/Premier players.


  1. Can I play in Competitive Men and Coed Recreational?

Yes, Competitive Men/Women players may play even in the lowest Coed Recreational division. Coed Recreational and Coed Masters Recreational players are exempt from the Men’s/Women’s/Masters Men/Women Competitive rule.

BUT, if a player is in Competitive Coed, they fall under the 20% maximum rule for Coed Recreational. See point 5.


  1. What is the general permitting rule?

We have opened permitting throughout all the different leagues. If you are registered, you can permit up within your league or across to any others (if age eligible). You no longer must be registered in the specific league to permit: EXCEPT for Competitive.

Competitive players can permit across to other Competitive leagues but not down to Recreational.

Recreational players can permit up in the league you are registered - or follow regular permit rules. Example: the bottom 3 divisions of Coed can permit together but only the bottom 2 of any other league.

Recreational players can permit up to the Competitive leagues.

Competitive players cannot permit to Recreational leagues.

Essentially, you can permit to any leagues you aren’t currently registered (except Competitive to Rec). Try out the other leagues. Help a friend out. Play, play, play.

Player MUST be registered somewhere with SAS to permit. Ineligible suspensions will still apply for permitting where players cannot permit.


  1. Where can I permit if I play Men’s Recreational Turf?

As a Men’s Recreational Turf player, you can permit up in Men’s Turf or across to any division of Men’s Boarded, Coed, Coed Masters*, Masters Legends* and all the Competitive leagues.

* If age eligible


  1. Where can I permit if I play Men’s Competitive?

You can permit throughout the other Competitive leagues.


  1. Where can I permit if I play Men’s Competitive AND Coed Recreational?

You can permit throughout the other Competitive leagues and up within Recreational Coed.

Even though you are registered in Recreational Coed, you CANNOT permit across to the Recreational boarded, turf and masters leagues because you are already registered in Men’s Competitive.


  1. Where can I permit if I play Masters Coed?

You can permit throughout all leagues including Legends if you are age eligible.

BUT, again, if you are registered in any other leagues, you can only permit up.


See the Competitive league page for full details.

See the Indoor Permits page for full details on the changes to permitting commencing Indoor 2022-2023.

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