Code of Conduct

Saskatoon Adult Soccer Inc.   Code of Conduct

The purpose of the SAS Code of Conduct is to create and encourage ethical, fair treatment of all individuals and clubs that are in the membership of the Saskatoon Adult Soccer Inc. (SAS). Some of the sections of the Code are more applicable than others to certain groups within the SAS. However all are critical to the proper organization and running of the SAS. The following Code of Conduct will apply to all SAS members and persons participating in SAS activities.
As a member of the SAS and/or a participant you should meet the following requirements with regard to your conduct during any SAS and therefore SSA sanctioned activity:

General Conduct of the SAS

  • Respect the human rights, dignity and the worth of others.

  • Be honest, fair, considerate, professional, and accept the responsibility for your actions.

  • Be aware of, and maintain at all times the standards, rules, regulations, and policies of the SAS.

  • Operate within the Constitution, Policies, Procedures, as well as the Rules and Regulations of the SAS, SSA, CSA, and FIFA.

  • Understand the possible consequences of breaking the SAS Code of Conduct.

  • Report any breaches of SAS Members to the appropriate authority.

  • Comply with all Civic, Provincial, and National legislation that applies to the SAS.

  • Refrain from any form of abuse towards self and others.

  • Refrain from using any obscene language and gestures.

  • Refrain from any form of harassment towards others.

  • Refrain from any form of discrimination towards others.

  • Refrain from any form of victimization towards others.

  • Reject corruption, drugs, racism, violence and other dangers to our sport.

  • Promote soccer in the community.

  • Provide a safe environment for soccer to be played in Saskatoon.

  • Show concern and caution towards others who could be sick or injured.

  • Be a positive role model for those watching you compete


Social Media & Media Relations

  • Do not make inappropriate comments on social media or other forms of public communication

  • Do not make comments to the media, or write any comment (including website  material), on behalf of the SAS

  • Do not speak to media in a negative fashion or publish any negative comment (including website material) regarding the SAS.

  • Never act in any way that may bring disrepute or disgrace to the SAS or its members, sponsors, and or potential sponsors.

  • Do not participate in sports betting or any form of Gambling associated with the SAS, SSA, or CSA, in which you are participating or have been directly involved in.

 Players, Contacts, Coaches, and Team, Code of Conduct

  • Foul language and Gestures on the field is unacceptable; it only ignites anger and leads to conflict.

  • Foul Language and Gestures, threatening behaviour at or from the sidelines is unacceptable. The team contact will be held accountable for the actions and words of those players on the bench and especially for the teams’ fans who demonstrate unacceptable and anti-social behaviour before, during and after a game.

  • The team captain/contact (when same as player) should identify himself to the official at the coin toss. This individual should be respected and responsible enough to calm down irate players and should proactively attempt to diffuse heated situations.

  • Players must demonstrate restraint and more importantly respect for the decisions of the officials, whether they agree or disagree. The officials are responsible for many things during a match, not the least of which is the safety of everyone (all 22 players and substitutes) at the match. If tension persists in SAS matches we will see officials refusing to accept our matches. If availability of officials continues to drop the SAS will need to make important decisions regarding cutting back the number of matches to suit the number of available officials.

  • If you have a complaint about an official, PUT IT IN WRITING to the appropriate authorities. DO NOT APPROACH THE OFFICIAL DURING OR AFTER THE MATCH.

  • The team captain or designate should assert his/her position with the team that he/she is the ONLY person to approach the official during or after a match to achieve clarification on a decision or rule of the match.

  • SPORTSMANSHIP is one of the main objectives of the SAS and persistent unsportsmanlike behaviour can result in either a team or an individual being thrown out of the SAS League. This league was founded on such sporting behaviour in 1907, and is currently the largest adult league in the province. Continued unsporting behaviour will be dealt with in an increasingly harsher manner.


    The Saskatoon Adult Soccer Inc. will assume that all of its Membership including; players, teams, clubs, referee’s, administrators, coaches, contacts, volunteers, fans, parents or guardians, etc will all understand the possible consequences of breaching the Code of Conduct and ensure that they abide by the Code.


    Any serious breaches of this Code of Conduct, or persistent violations of any aspect of the Code of Conduct, by any of the above may result in any of the following being imposed: Suspension, Current team bond will not be refunded, Additional team bond will be imposed, Fines, Loss of matches, Expulsion from league, or any other form of punishment determined by the SAS Board of Directors.


    Acknowledgements: FIFA, CSA, USSF, NSF               

Please click here to review the pdf version of the SAS Code of Conduct

Team Contacts are able to sign on behalf of the players they are registering via the Team Contact COC Authorization form.

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