Indoor Clarification - Deadline One Week Away!
One week left to register a team for the Indoor 2022-2023 season!
Registration Deadline is Wednesday, August 31 at 5:00pm.
We are introducing Competitive leagues, Permit changes and an additional Team Fee Instalment.
With this launch, there are some Special Circumstances to note:
Recreational Men/Women/Masters Men/Women teams may have a 20% maximum of Competitive division players or Premier players on their roster. One (1) of every five (5) players on the roster can be Competitive or Premier players.
Premier players are any players that played in the U Sports league (previously called CIS) in the last three (3) years or registered to a CSA National Tournament team via the Challenge Trophy or the Jubilee Cup in the last three (3) years.
Recreational Coed and Recreational Coed Masters teams are exempt from the Competitive and/or Premier maximum player rule for participants in Competitive Men’s/Women’s/Masters Men/Women. However, players in Competitive Coed and Competitive Coed Masters cannot make up more than 20% of Recreational Coed or Recreational Coed Masters rosters, respectively.
Masters Men/Women Competitive division 1 may have a 20% maximum of players that don’t meet the minimum age eligibility. One (1) of every five (5) players on the roster can be underage by two (2) years from the date of eligibility.
Masters Men/Women players are exempt from the Competitive Premier maximum player rule for Men’s/Women’s Recreational divisions. They may participate in Masters 1 Competitive and the Recreational Men’s/Women’s league. The Competitive Premier maximum player rule for Masters Men/Women Competitive 1 does apply for their participation in Masters Recreational divisions.
Additional changes of importance:
All SAS registered players have unlimited permits throughout the league BUT to a maximum of five (5) with one team. (Goal keepers get 10 with one team.)
You can also permit across to other leagues (if age eligible), or up within your own league. Competitive leagues can permit to and from other Competitive leagues.
Masters leagues no longer play at both centers unless they are Competitive Masters. Masters Rec plays boarded alone.
All Competitive leagues play at both centers.
Competitive Coed and Competitive Coed Masters have Playoffs.
Full details can be found on our site:
FAQ (Where can I play scenarios)
League Fees (Team Fee and League details)
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