To Our Teams, Players, Members,
On Wednesday, November 25th, the government announced that recreational sports are suspended effective Friday, November 27th until Thursday, December 17th. At that time, they will determine if the suspension will be extended.
Due to the uncertainty, and only having 5 remaining days of games before Christmas, our board of directors has determined that the current session is cancelled effective November 27th.
Also, due to the uncertainty of when we will be allowed to resume play, we have cancelled our team registration for the January - March session. When we receive more information, we will open a new registration. Any teams that paid for the January - March session will be refunded via cheque.
The teams that participated in the October - December session will also be refunded fees via cheque for any outstanding games after and including November 27th.
We hope you understand this decision, and we look forward to starting fresh in the new year!
Saskatoon Adult Soccer Inc.