SAS Members,
We are excited to release information regarding our upcoming 2020-2021 Indoor season and we hope that the breakdown below will answer any questions you may have. Please note that as we are finalizing our budget, team fees will only be released once team registration opens.
For those of you that are familiar with the format applied during our Outdoor 2020 6-game Mini-League season, the indoor season will be quite similar.
It’s important to remember that as a sanctioned league, we, Saskatoon Adult Soccer (SAS), need to follow the guidelines provided by Saskatchewan Soccer Association (SSA) in their Return To Soccer Plan (RTSP), on top of the provincial guidelines for Sports and Activities. This means that:
Given the usual length of the indoor season, from October to March/April, we decided to split the season into two. The first registration that will open will be for a season from October to December 2020 and the second registration (opening in November) will be for the second season from January to March/April 2021. As we are aware that a good portion of our membership usually plays on more than 1 team, this gives players the opportunity to sign up and play in a different league in 2020 and 2021.
ALL Boarded & Turf leagues (Women’s/Men’s/Coed/Masters/Legends) will be playing a 10-game season.
Lastly, please note that the current structure of our Indoor 2020-2021 season is based on the most up to date SSA & provincial guidelines and could be subject to change pending any modification to those guidelines.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Saskatoon Adult Soccer inc.